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Easy-to-read translation

Easy-to-read translation involves adapting a text in simplified language so that it can be understood by people with learning disabilities, dyslexia, visual impairments, the elderly or people with a poor command of English.

Make sure everyone understands you 


Easy-to-read texts let you share information that everyone can understand.

All types of media


Our Easy-to-read specialists can adapt your communications whatever the medium: written text, multimedia, audio or video.



Your Easy-to-read text is reviewed by a person with an intellectual disability to ensure that it is properly understood..

What is Easy-to-read translation?

Easy-to-read translation is a specific approach to translation that aims to make texts more accessible to people with reading or comprehension difficulties, particularly those with special needs linked to cognitive disabilities, learning difficulties or limited language skills.


Easy-to-read translations simplify the language and structure of the text to make it clearer, more concise and easier to understand. This generally involves the use of short sentences, simple vocabulary, straightforward sentence structures and the removal of jargon or technical terms. Images and icons can also be used to enhance comprehension.


Easy-to-read translations are commonly used in a variety of contexts, such as medical, legal, governmental, educational or any other content aimed at a diverse audience and which aims to ensure that information is accessible to all, regardless of their level of language proficiency or cognitive abilities.


The main objective of Easy-to-read translation is to promote inclusion and accessibility by enabling a wider audience to understand and access essential information.

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